
Obama’s lie to American people

Editor’s note: Updated Monday, Nov. 4 to complete the final sentence that was edited.

The American people were lied to, period. It is unbelievable to watch, read and listen to the pathetic display of defending Obama when he has purposely lied to the American people.

He made the comment many times, “If you like your insurance plan today, you can keep it.” Knowing that the new standards this law has put forth would not accommodate many of the current plans, he still said it.

Now, his supporters want to say, it is the insurance companies. Wrong. The insurance companies have been put in a situation they have no control of. You ask why? Because Obama and his lemmings believe they know better than you do as to what insurance you should have; never mind you’ve done quite well with your current plan. So, because you now have to pay for items that were not in your current plan, you lose it. This is not under the control of the insurance companies, it is now the law that the insurance companies must follow, which was a lie perpetrated by Obama to sell this plan, period! Unless of course, Obama and the attorney general will allow the insurance companies to break the law?

Obama says, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.” Really, see how many of your current doctors will be in the exchanges where they pay the doctors very little and demand more hours.

This law is not subject to just those opposing it, it will affect the entire American population. Yes, even you liberals and Democrats that defend Obama. Unfortunately, for those opposed to this Obama Administration for the hurt they have put on this great USA we too have to pay for the low informational, naïve, I want to feel good voters right to vote.

Carl Palash

Carol Stream

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