
Thinks Barrington not in good hands

My fellow Barrington residents, I have a series of questions for you before you elect replacements on your village board in coming elections. You may think I am “jumping the gun,” but the current situation in Barrington is alarming.

1. Are you satisfied with the way your village is run, in view of the stagnant economy and rising taxes? Tax increases of 11 percent last year are what I am hearing and I am positive they will not go down!

2. What do you think of the wasteland (car park) currently at the center of our village and the plan to build office blocks? We already have a large number of empty offices; surely what we need are taxpaying residents and thriving shop owners.

3. The situation with emergency services terrifies me. These guys run into burning buildings; they pull our shattered bodies from car wrecks and our elected representatives want to cut their jobs and the facilities they need to perform their duties. For heaven’s sake, Barrington, negotiation is what you are supposed to do as politicians, so do just that and talk to Countryside.

These cutbacks come at the same time as the village board continues to warn of the increasing risk of freight trains through the village center!

4. I voted “no” to the underpass or overpass as, according to IDOT, this will be paid for by OUR taxes not by Canadian National. The trains have a viable alternative route, where less disruption of the people occurs; but nobody discussed this! There is also the future of sea freight taking over rail freight which would once again leave the train tracks derelict.

What do you think my friends — time for a change.

Maureen E. Yates


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