
Dem foes not racist; they’re patriots

Dem foes not racist; they’re patriots

In his recent letter Dick Deranian asks about examples that President Obama is a polarizing president, as if there is any doubt that Barack Obama is a divisive force in America today.

Here are some examples. By constantly vilifying the rich — “they don’t pay their fair share” — Obama pits the poor against the rich — creating envy and hatred in those with less. He pits Hispanics against whites by telling them to “punish our enemies” (in a 2010 Univision interview) and blacks against whites, for example by showing up at the Travon Martin scene and needlessly highlighting the racial aspect. “If I had a son he would “look like Travon.”

Obama attacks Christians to drive a wedge between them and non-Christians with the HHS mandate that church entities must provide abortion — inducing drugs and birth control to employees against their most basic religious beliefs. Then uses that same situation to allege a phony “war on women” by the church. More divisiveness. It never stops.

Here’s another example of divisiveness from Obama — and one of the most egregious: Obama’s Democratic Party and their followers rarely miss a chance to accuse those who disagree with them of racism. In typical hypocritical liberal fashion, Derarian himself did just that not once but twice in his letter. It seems that on Planet Liberal you either agree with Obama or you’re a racist. That is divisiveness. Here’s a news flash: Conservatives believe most of President Obama’s policies are wrong and are very dangerous for our country. Opposing and resisting those policies does not make us racist. Rather, it is a patriotic obligation.

John Craychee

St. Charles

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