
Distractions, phony scandals poor excuse

What is up with President Obama’s comment on July 23 about “distractions and phony scandals?” Killing of a border patrol guard and four good men in Benghazi, Libya, who gave their lives for this country are “distractions and phony scandals.” Our president doesn’t seem to think much of these brave Americans that he left them “go hang” with poor protection when under attack and no explanation of what happened.

Not only do we Americans deserve a thorough explanation about what happened but those FAMILIES of those five dead Americans deserve to know the facts and truth about what happened to explain their deaths. To him they’re “distractions and phony scandals.” What a terrible attitude about the murder of five brave Americans.

Then there is the IRS scandal. Again to him it’s a “distraction and phony scandal” to deny American conservative groups their constitutional right to nonprofit status and the media just lets this all “go hang.” The IRS is out of control with this scandal as well as their outrageous spending and bonuses of our taxpayers’ hard earned monies. Then Obama scoffs about outrage about not holding these people accountable for this “scandal” and no one is fired or properly investigated to find out if criminal violations occurred against someone in the IRS.

Fellow Americans, it’s time to wake up and take notice of Obama’s administration’s outrageous attitude and how he’s “transforming America” bit by bit. We deserve the truth on these scandals and President Obama ignores the truth and apparently feels no responsibility to “bad decisions” that were made during these “distractions and phony scandals.” He’s the commander in chief. The buck stops with him.

Someone is responsible for these “distractions and phony scandals” and we need to get to the truth about them.

Judy Olsen


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