
An ex-Cubs fan’s lament

For decades the product the Chicago Cubs have been putting on the field has been terrible and will probably be terrible again this year. Despite this, there are near sellouts for most games, especially early in the season.

The average ticket price in 2013 will be about $55, parking will cost anywhere from $10 and $30 and food prices in the park will be outrageously high. So what possesses someone to spend this much money to see a mediocre baseball team?

The average length of a baseball game now exceeds three hours and leaving the park after the game, traffic is horrendous; so why do Cubs fans pay outrageously high ticket, parking and food prices to watch a team that will probably lose close to 100 games again this year.

I was a Cubs fan from 1946 until 1998, when doubles hitters began hitting 50 home runs a season. I have seen one baseball game since 1998 and it was slow torture as the pitchers fiddled around on the mound between pitches and hitters adjusted their gloves after every pitch. Watching grass grow would have been more exciting.

When I get the urge to see a game, I now go to a minor league game and truthfully, it is hard to tell the difference in level of play between the Cubs and the minor league teams.

Victor Darst

West Dundee

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