
Research backs success of gay parents

The April 6 letter from Aadil Ahmad of Volo is the latest in a series of disturbing sentiments expressed by your readers on the subject of same-sex marriage and adoption. The letter promotes the standard logic of many whose faith prohibits the acknowledgment of homosexuals, and by extension, the granting of rights to them.

However, in the case of adoption, this leads to many an illogical and unfounded conclusion. The standard line is that gay couples should not adopt because they are unable to have children biologically.

This is indefensible of course, as I’m sure Mr. Ahmad would not object to adoption by the many heterosexual couples, like me and my wife, who are also unable to have children biologically. What he really objects to, and in this he is sadly not alone, is the notion of children being raised in a home that doesn’t look like his. If we follow this logic to its conclusion, we would never allow children to be raised by parents of other religions, or other nationalities.

The fact is that children raised by gay parents are no more likely to have developmental difficulties than any other kids, and some research suggests they are far less likely to. Studies by Abbie Goldberg at Clark University in Massachusetts, for example, show that children of gay parents have no measurable differences in academic achievement or mental or emotional health, and often show greater degrees of open-mindedness and tolerance.

If Mr. Ahmad and those who agree with him are truly concerned about the future of our culture, they might pause to consider whether a child with two loving parents is better off than a child with none, regardless of gender. This is what the research overwhelmingly shows us is the case.

Chip Tompson


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