
Four more years to deepen the mess

The liberal media (Time magazine) finally got it right. President Obama is clearly the Person of the Year. He’s overseen the worst “recovery” since the Great Depression. Forty million on food stamps — a record. A dramatic rise in those stealing money from all of us on Social Security disability — another record. The unemployment rate is dropping — because three times more people have given up looking for work than those that have become employed. Countless dead from Obama guns given to mass murderers in Mexico, but not one tear from Obama for them, while he takes every political advantage from the deaths of 26 children and teachers in Newtown, Conn.

He led a successful cover-up of the Bengazi terrorist attack prior to the election. He’s “come out” in support of state-sponsored perversion. And, he’s done it all while stealing yet another $1 trillion-plus from our children and grandchildren.

Ah yes, the great dependency-in-chief has really outdone it this year, while convincing the uneducated masses that his pathetic handouts and twisted social programs are better than the dignity of a real job and supporting one’s family. And just think, four more years to duplicate his remarkable record!

Steve Dee

Long Grove

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