
Better health care answer to tragedy

With the recent tragedy in Connecticut, the words “gun control” are abundant everywhere. I’ll offer an outside-of-the-box idea to the nuts who think gun control regulations will prevent these tragedies from recurring; Better health care.

Yes, you heard it here first. A seemingly normal person does not walk into any place shooting to kill innocent people. Aside from guns being the weapon of choice, the other commonality is a mental health issue and/or personality disorder. Have you ever read the fine print in your health insurance plan that outlines coverage for mental health? It’s not great coverage, usually restricted by a handful of visits a year and the expense ... well, it’s health care.

The government should look into restructuring mental health coverage within existing policies to better accommodate those in need of better treatment. Let’s face the truth, mental health is far more dangerous when out of balance that physical health. The mind is far more dangerous than the body. Mental health is far more difficult to treat as well.

Better coverage, better treatments and lowered cost for mental health care will be a far better preventive measure than trying to restrict firearms. Try something we haven’t already tried and failed at.

Rich Langelan

St. Charles

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