
The problem is culture, not guns

Time and time again when tragedy strikes, our adolescent culture avoids the tough issues and looks for “politically correct” causes and solutions.

Once again, a mentally ill young man killed many innocent people. The politically correct solution is to attack the Second Ammnedmend and try to reduce legal access to guns. But the hard facts prove that guns are not the issue.

Switzerland has the highest private gun ownership in the world with the lowest gun crime rate. Every male there between 18 and 50 is in the military reserves and is required to keep an automatic assault rifle and ammunition at home in case he is called up in an emergency.

Anybody who has been in Israel knows that virtually every young man and woman walks around with an M-16 for national defense. Yet it is almost unheard of for an Israeli to shoot another Israeli despite the omnipresence of automatic weapons. Of the 100 million Americans who legally own guns, 99.9 percent never hurt another soul. Yet in Chicago where gangsters carry guns and law-abiding citizens can’t, more Americans are shot each week then in Afghanistan.

The facts show that people in the 49 states that are certified to carry a concealed firearm commit less gun crime than police officers.

The real cause of these gun disasters is the decline in our culture due to our kids being bombarded with insane graphic violence on TV, in movies, and horrible computer games. The fact that 40 percent of our children are raised without fathers as a role model coupled with this violence insures disaster as 70 percent of those kids are doomed to jail or poverty per the statistics.

Guns in a moral culture are harmless. But discussing “morality” is “uncool” and “judgmental” in our declining culture.

Randy Rossi


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