
Lake Villa Timberwolves youth football team, former Bear Adams make spoof video

Former Bear Anthony Adams helped the Lake Villa Timberwolves youth football team win the Super Bowl by a final score of 247-2.

The spoof was captured in a comedic viral video making the rounds on YouTube, thanks to the quirky former defensive lineman. Spoiler alert: Adams gets cut after the win despite professing he was better than anyone else.

“I can’t believe they cut me,” the 32-year-old Adams said with a laugh Friday. “I threw for like 65 touchdowns.”

The Gurnee resident has become semifamous around Chicago for a series of viral videos he started producing after he was released by the Bears earlier this year.

In those videos, he talks about playing basketball, rapping, dancing, and trying out for the Olympics, all the while telling people football wasn’t his favorite thing.

In one video, the 300-plus-pound Adams says basketball is his “first love,” while displaying mediocre hoops skills and wearing a pair of shorts that are about four sizes too small.

“Anyone who knows me knows this is what I’m like,” the jovial Adams said. “Making these are just a lot of fun.”

Adams’ ninth — and possibly most popular — video takes him back to the football field after he was “signed” by the Timberwolves to be their defensive lineman. Adams takes over as quarterback and running back in the video, and does some outlandish stunts, like throwing a ball to himself.

“Most of my videos are designed to get people to crack up laughing at my outfit,” he said. “Then, they double their pleasure by laughing at what I do.”

Adams said shooting the video was a lot of fun, and that some of the youth players have a future in acting.

“We had a bunch of ideas going in, then we start to throw out ideas on the field on what would be funny,” he said. “Basically, I just showed up and acted like a fool like I do, but some of those kids have some real acting chops.”

Brandon Keating, who directed the video and has a son who plays for the Timberwolves organization, said it was just as much fun for the parents and players.

“We felt it would be a good opportunity for the kids to meet a professional player, to ask questions and interact with him,” Keating said. “It turned out to be a great time for everyone involved.”

It was estimated the video would reach about 150,000 views on YouTube, he said, but it doubled that number.

“I guess it means we’ll be doing more videos in the future,” Keating said.

Adams said the video was shot on a Saturday, one week after the Timberwolves were knocked out of the playoffs. Kids from various age and weight levels participated in the video.

“The kids were real good sports, and the parents were great,” he said. “But, I’m still mad I got cut in the end.”

Matthew Mader, a director for Timberwolves football, said the video will be a great keepsake for all the kids involved.

“It’s a big kick for them to get this type of exposure,” Mader said. “It’s a great thing for them to watch and to show their friends.”

Adams, who played with the San Francisco 49ers for four years before playing with the Bears from 2007 to 2011, said he hasn’t officially retired from football, but is looking at his next career.

“I’m not sure what I’ll do from here,” he said. “People said I should go into acting or stand-up comedy or something. I’ll do whatever it is as long as I’m having a good time with it.”

Former Bears player Anthony Adams released a comedic viral video where he plays football with the Lake Villa Timberwolves. The video on YouTube already has more than 306,000 hits on YouTube. Courtesy of Brandon Keating Sr.
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