
Romney will encourage business expansion

I agree with the Daily Herald’s endorsement of Mitt Romney and also appreciated the evenhanded nature of its reasoning. There were no MSNBC/Chris Matthew or Fox News/Sean Hannity-type overstated talking points that are both preaching to their own choirs. This calm, straightforward endorsement might actually stand a chance of influencing an “undecided voter” more than yet another scolding from cable TV political entertainer.

I particularly related to your comparison of one candidate who trusted government too much verse the other who trusted it too little. I happen to think what out country needs right now is some efficient, common-sense solutions, and those type of solutions rarely come from an ever-expanding bureaucracy that is surely going to continue with a second Obama term.

From a personal standpoint, my job, like many, and our economy as a whole depends on new businesses starting and existing businesses expanding. Both of these situations have become stagnant over the last couple of years, and the question I would ask is “Do you foresee an upswing in motivation toward innovation and expansion from the private sector if Obama is re-elected?” I think the answer is an obvious no. Combine the continued economic stagnation with an administration that is being exposed as incompetent with their completely hollow domestic and foreign policies based strictly on appearances, and the choice is clear.

Whether you feel the most important thing is getting a new president in or the most important thing is getting this president out, the bottom line is the same. I agree with the Daily Herald. Mitt Romney for president.

Marc Thomsen

Elk Grove Village

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