
Support for Romney violates principles

By endorsing Romney, you have gone against your own principles. While he is not a bad man, he carries some bad baggage — the extremist groups who are going all out to support him.

If they get him elected, he will owe them. Who are they? Some have attacked women’s rights. Others want to do nothing about the increasing disruptions of climate change. And others are belligerent, whether against all immigrants or in favor of attacking Iran or Islam.

One of your key points is jobs. You imply that Romney will create “policies that will incent business to grow.” The point you miss is that business has grown. You’ve recognized this in articles about high industry profits; the Dow-Jones is almost as high as before the depression; and even JPMorgan-Chase (scarcely any liberal bias there.) reports that sales have grown about as fast as the average of the previous five recoveries.

But they point out that corporate profits have grown three times faster than previously, because businesses have learned how to do it with fewer jobs, and are actually spending less on labor than before the recovery. So we need a different kind of incentive.

And if he is elected, which Romney will we get? The one who swung right for the Republican nomination, or the one who weaseled around his previous positions for the debates? You like the one who governed Massachusetts, but that one’s gone forever.

I will be voting for Obama.

John F. Moore


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