
Libya cover up won’t be forgiven

Libya cover up won’t be forgiven

No wonder Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama made sure those four murdered members of our State Department in Libya got a proper burial. Blood is on their hands. They know they blew it.

The American people will forgive their mistake of withdrawing requested security in the face of danger. What the American people will never do is forgive the “response to the movie” cover-up. Everybody drank kool-aid and spun the party line to cover up their carelessness.

Ask Richard Milhous Nixon about cover-ups. No rational, thinking person, including even a few liberals, can believe that the president and the secretary of state are off the hook on this one. Those four innocent diplomats were hung out to dry by a detached-from-reality Obama administration too intent on securing re-election, instead of minding our store in North Africa.

Congress rightfully demands an investigation. Clinton has lots to answer for, and so does the president. Let’s see how much they really care about four Americans put in harm’s way by the White House.

Note how the delusional romantic-for-Obama left-wing media fails to cover this story.

Thank God for right-wing Fox News and conservative radio less interested in enabling a dysfunctional president than with reporting the facts of this sad event, which didn’t need to happen.

Paul O. Bischoff


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