
With deer, let nature take course

In recent days there has been conversation about bow hunting in Kane County Forest Preserves to reduce the number of deer. As a frequent user of Schweitzer Preserve in Sleepy Hollow, I don’t welcome any weapons, either bows or guns, being authorized for use where many people and pets are frequently present. A forest preserve should be just that, a preserve for nature’s creations. Since they are nature’s creations, let’s let Mother Nature take care of her creations, since no one knows how to do it but her.

I don’t see any more deer in my Kane County travels than I ever did. In fact, I see fewer. If you research this subject a little, there are images of bow hunters shooting arrows at deer where they actually penetrate the nose of the poor animal. This deer did not die, but is running around for the rest of his or her life with an arrow sticking out of its nose. How much damage do we as humans really want to create for our preserve animals?

Sooner or later a tragic accident will happen in our preserves and it may not be an animal who is shot or injured terribly. The board of the Kane County Forest Preserves should reverse its recent decision to destroy the very animals we “claim” to be preserving and let nature take its course before it’s too late.

Mike Summy


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