
Horse-boarding critic misstated facts

In response to Jim Hammond's letter (July 26), I'd just like to say that some people have no sense of irony. And some people are "spin doctors."

When Mr. Hammond quotes (accurately, but quite incompletely) my 2005 presentation to The Riding Club of Barrington Hills, I hope he's just one of the folks with "no sense of irony."

My document (copies available from said nothing about boarding of horses. Rather, it outlined how the horse community should embrace non-equestrians moving into Barrington Hills. I took the position that if we didn't help newcomers learn what our village's equestrian lifestyle was all about, we would be in danger of losing what makes Barrington Hills so unique.

Judging by Mr. Hammond's attitude, I was frighteningly correct.

Mr. Hammond is a relatively new resident who, when he moved into the village, blocked off a riding trail on his property and now wants to impose severe limitations on his horse-owning neighbors. Mr. Hammond doesn't own horses, doesn't like horses, and apparently doesn't like people who do.

To achieve his ends, Mr. Hammond has mis-characterized our Equestrian Commission, misstated what the Equestrian Commission has proposed and even raised the specter of "riding academy businesses obliterating" the "privacy and tranquility" of the village.

When one sole person at the June 23 ZBA hearing suggested that people who don't like horses might want to leave, Mr. Hammond spun that statement to characterize the entire horse community.

The one thing I found accurate was Mr. Hammond's characterization of me as a "well-known equestrian author" although he didn't mention my name. I am, indeed, an equestrian who, in my youth, authored a cookbook for Beatrice Foods. I also have had several articles published in Polo Magazine. I'd be happy to autograph a copy of my 2005 Riding Club Presentation for Mr. Hammond.

John Rosene

Barrington Hills