
Commandments will give better guidance

Regarding the column "The courage of Obama's convictions" (March 9), Susan Estrich said, "He promised health care reform, and he is risking his presidency to deliver it. If that's not courage, what is?"

All Americans agree, we need reform: Health care reform, tort reform, tax reform, campaign reform, term limits, immigration reform, a balanced budget, English language spoken here, etc.

Bottom line: We can't spend money we don't have. That's what got us here in the first place. We must get our house in order. You overspend, you loose your home. You can't run a business if you don't pay your bills.

Obama's reform is killing America. One out of eight Americans is on food stamps. Unemployment isn't truly measured. Are college grads finding jobs? Not to mention the over 50 that have been turned out to pasture. Obama also promised unemployment wouldn't exceed 8 percent.

As a first generation American age 63, I have known and cherished our inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There was a time in America when people cared about one another, a time when businesses were extended families, a time when there was respect.

Does anyone remember, "Thou shalt not steal" or "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". I believe there are eight more.

Sheila DeLattre

Arlington Heights