
We must protect children in womb

There are countries where there are more abortion then live births and more seniors than children. Now this is problem. If you don't see this as a problem I don't know what to tell you. Who will be around to support us when we get old. Who will run the country. Who will be the next Albert Einstein or doctor who finds a cure for the next disease. I guess no one since we are killing them all off. Do you know we have killed over 5 million babies since Roe V. Wade was put in affect. More children were killed than was killed by all the wars combined.

This needs to stop, this is not good and it is not getting any better.

We need to teach our children to respect their body and about abstinence. We should not teach them about sex and give them condoms and tell them to do what makes them feel good.

We need to teach to wait until marriage and natural family planning. We are just setting them up for the fall. To fall into the hands of an abortionist.

You tell me which way you would prefer to go. We also need to promote adoption as an alternate to abortion. There are a lot of women and men hurting from abortion as well. This is wrong not right and it needs to change.

Kim Berowski

Arlington Heights