
EPA mandate will cost Illinois jobs

This Spring, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to issue rules that would regulate greenhouse gases emissions at as many as six million of America's commercial facilities, such as hospitals, manufacturing plants and schools.

These regulations are a nightmare for Illinois workers and small business owners, who already live in a state ranked 48th in job growth and with an employment rate near 11 percent.

According to a Heritage Foundation study, the EPA's plan would cause $7 trillion in lost economic activity and a loss of nearly 3 million manufacturing jobs by 2029.

When it comes to compliance with environmental requirements, small firms with fewer than 20 employees spend four times more, on a per-employee basis, than do businesses with more than 500 employees. While the EPA has taken steps to hold small businesses harmless, their attempt is based on shaky legal ground. It is my hope that President Obama, Senator Durbin and the entire Illinois Congressional Delegation would pursue responsible legislative solutions to greenhouse gas emissions, not bureaucratic mandates.

The economic and social stakes are too high for Illinois to bleed any more jobs.

Brian Kasal

Illinois Energy Forum
