Schools Stories from August 10, 2022 (Change date)
Wego Drama presents 'Marvel Spotlight: Hammered! A Thor and Loki Play'Aug 10, 2022 11:00 pm - Wego Drama at Community High School begins their 2022-23 season on Aug. 19-20 with the all-ages production of "Marvel Spotlight: Hammered: A Thor and Loki Play." Based o...
From humble beginningsAug 10, 2022 1:00 am - Named the Glenbrook South High School Distinguished Alumnus of 2021, early in his acceptance speech Ravin Gandhi sounded more suited for truant of the year. "I am willin...
Arlington Heights District 25 takes first steps on full-day kindergarten, building planAug 10, 2022 1:00 am - After a narrow victory at the polls, Arlington Heights Elementary District 25 officials have taken the first steps for planning and financing a $75 million full-day kind...
Kaneland school board nixes plan to put referendum on Nov. 8 ballotAug 10, 2022 1:00 am - The Kaneland Unit District 302 school board suspended its discussions regarding authorizing the administration to prepare for a referendum of $67.9 million for individua...
How District 113 is keeping students safe this school yearAug 10, 2022 1:00 am - As you read this column, District 113 is finalizing preparations for the 2022-23 school year, which begins for all students on Wednesday, Aug. 17. In some ways, this sum...
District 204 shifting COVID focus to infection control rather than contact tracingAug 10, 2022 1:00 am - While COVID-19 protocols in Indian Prairie Unit District 204 will remain similar to last school year, at least one major change is coming for returning students. In an u...
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