
Roskam has right plan on immigration

Roskam has right plan on immigration

I think the process that Congressman Peter Roskam is proposing to deal with our immigration problem has hit the nail on the head for all parties if they’d just take the time to think clearly about it.

Congressman Roskam wants to prioritize enhancing our border security and refining our legal immigration system. A smarter, more efficient immigration policy will be an incentive to do things by the law and a stronger, more efficient border security will be a disincentive to do things illegally.

As for all the undocumented workers who are already here illegally, Congressman Roskam proposes we have a process by which they can get right by the law. This’ll not include any shortcuts or rewards for those who broke the law. That’s just fair, and is a principle that all Americans can understand.

Finally, Congressman Roskam has rightly said that all these different facets of the immigration debate should be voted on separately, not stuffed into a bill that is too large and confusing to read or understand.

Deep down, isn’t this what all reasonable people want? A fair system for immigrants wanting to come to this country legally, the enforcement to make sure this is less of a problem in the future, and a process by which those who are already here can get right with the law?

Mark Van Zeelt


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