
LeBlanc off ballot in Campton Hills but still in race

Kristin LeBlanc plans to run as a write-in candidate for Campton Hills village president after the village clerk declined to put her on the April ballot because her nominating petitions were incomplete.

The decision means incumbent Patsy Smith will be the only name on the ballot; a hearing for Wednesday has been canceled.

The date was set after a 3½-hour hearing on Jan. 5 in which Smith sought to have LeBlanc's nominating petitions thrown out.

Village Clerk Carolyn Higgins testified that LeBlanc made it to village hall before the 5 p.m. deadline on Dec. 20. Smith argued that LeBlanc's petitions didn't have enough signatures from registered voters and that LeBlanc failed to fill out a statement of economic interest.

In the end, Higgins declined to certify LeBlanc's petition to be placed on the ballot.

LeBlanc, a stay-home mom with a business background, says she wants to serve the people and strengthen the village, not dissolve it.

She believes she can be more “open minded” than Smith as village president and hopes to unify the people.

“What I want is the best out of the village,” LeBlanc said. “We have a village. Let's make the best out of it.”

Smith believes she is the best choice for another 4-year term because she offers more experience and continuity. She noted several initiatives such as the village's new land use plan and financial analysis that she hopes to shepherd through to fruition.

“The village is still in its infancy. I believe I am the best qualified to see that through,” she said. “I will provide continuity to finish what we started.”

Patsy Smith
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