
Criticism of Clinton unfair

There is a columnist that called Hillary a congenital liar, all because of the way she handled Benghazi and now some email that have gotten lost. So, then what would you call George Bush and Dick Cheney and defense Sec. Rumsfeld when they all touted the lie about Weapons of Mass Destruction? They even convinced a highly thought of military man, Gen. Colin Powell to buy into the lie when he testified at the United Nations saying he had seen proof of such things shown to him by the administration. That testimony probably ruined a fine man and his credibility in a way he can never recover. And that is only a small result of the that massive lie. Thousands of American soldiers came away either dead or maimed and thousands of Iraqi civilians and soldiers died in that demonstration of 'AWE'. And what about the billions of dollars spent on that unholy war? The so called liberal media has vented its ire to keep this lie smoldering so they can sell papers and products.

How can the public know the truth behind that war? Not from those instigators. Even now Dick Cheney refuses to admit his blame for the thousands of dead and wounded and the billions spent on that very costly war because he doe not think he did anything wrong. And those who are berating Sec. Clinton forget that war and instead wish to crucify her. Be honest, what could anyone do when a group of crazy terrorists decide to attack a small embassy thousands of miles away and how could anyone have been able to send enough soldiers to protect that embassy? There wasn't time and the logistics made it an impossibility, but let's blame our own people instead of the perpetrators whom we will never ever know. Instead let's go after our own government people and hold them responsible. What about the hundreds of other embassies that are operating around the world and who have not been attacked? They are protected just as Benghazi was but the planning that went into that attack made it impossible for the standard military guards to protect those poor embassy staffers. Those crazy people who attacked wanted to make a statement and the media has exploited it for years. How else to sell newspapers and beat down a worthy woman who is the best chance we have to be president? Name one of those 'wanabees' who are able to pass such a litmus as Hilary is being forced to do.

And now the GOP has decided to take on Obamacare and God help us if one of them gets into the office because they threaten to repeal the national health care plan that is keeping the poor uninsured afloat, Even so, the American Medical Association has announced that for the first time in history hospitals are seeing more insured patients than uninsured. And that means the hospitals and the medical profession are saving money. Remember that all of you who may have parents or grandparents who are depending on the health care plan to take care of them. The critics want to tell you that the plan is hurting you but guess who is lying now?

Martha Tuohy

Arlington Heights

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