
Glen Ellyn affordable housing development to be discussed Thursday

A proposal to create a 42-unit multifamily affordable housing development at a former hotel site in Glen Ellyn will be reviewed by the village plan commission on Thursday.

The Taft & Exmoor Apartments, which is proposed by Full Circle Communities, will be discussed during a meeting that begins at 7 p.m. at the Galligan Board Room of the Glen Ellyn Civic Center, 535 Duane St.

Full Circle Communities entered a purchase and sale agreement with Glen Ellyn in February 2024. The Chicago-based nonprofit intends to develop several parcels along Taft Avenue into one contiguous lot of .89 acres.

At the hearing, it will seek a change to residential zoning from commercial, as well as several variations, including ones for building height and setbacks, the number of parking spaces, and lot area per family.

Full Circle, whose plan was chosen out of seven received by the village, proposes to build up to 42 units for individuals and households earning 80% or less of the area’s median income.

At a March 2022 community meeting, that amount was listed as $52,200 for one person and $59,650 for two people, with maximum rents of $1,398 and $1,677 for one- and two-bedrooms, respectively.

Full Circle will provide no less than 30% of the units as permanent supportive housing for persons with disabilities and provide waitlist preference to persons with disabilities for all units.

The public hearing will be streamed live on the village website. For remote viewing of the meeting, visit and go to the Feb. 6 calendar listing under “agendas and minutes.”

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