
Revive this project

Any rational person would agree with Tony Atkins’ Jan. 20 letter’s anecdotal points.

I, on the other hand, would highlight a publicly suppressed major infrastructure project that was initially proposed by the JFK administration and conceived by the Parsons Company. The acronym was NAWAPA (North American Water and Power Alliance). Obviously, this involved us and our neighbors to the north and south. Generally, it encompassed the Arctic melt to be channeled down from Alaska to Mexico forcing those waters for retention, power and drought relief, avoiding that run-off into the Pacific.

Of course, we know what happened to JFK, but surprisingly RFK as senator sponsored it again in 1968. I guess once you’re physically dead, the idea dies with you, which is a common theme in our bicameral legislature.

Instead of tens of billions of dollars going overseas, how about plugging that money into a project of this magnitude.?

What do you think, American people?

Dennis Buckley


There are a few days that live with me forever. For one reason or another, Dec. 7, 1941, the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and Sept. 11, 2001. These are all days that tore at the heart of our country.

Then came Jan. 6, 2021. I was glued to the TV for over 10 hours, not believing what was happening. But unlike on Dec. 7 or Sept. 11, these were Americans attacking our Capitol threating our government. Now only a short four years later, it’s as if it never happened.

How can this be? We fought a 20-year war after Sept. 11. Is it that easy for so many to forget? To believe in a lie? To erase what happened on that day or do they just not care? On Jan. 20, our Capitol Rotonda was filled with many of those who were there in fear for their lives witnessing the horror of that day along with so many others. As if this is just any day.

How could this man be sworn in as president in the same spot where all that violence took place? Because of him.

Did anyone there feel uncomfortable? Was the hair on their backs standing up? Did they feel a little sick to their stomachs? Was any one of them having flashbacks to that day. Or is it all forgotten?

I didn’t understand then and I still don’t. Jan. 20 was a gut punch that I will feel forever.

Karen Fahlgren


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