Americans know we must ‘bite the bullet’
It’s time to bite the bullet — the president, the Senate, the House and yes, the general public. Congress cannot continue to kick the can down the road and only concern itself with being reelected. Americans cannot continue to support initiatives that solely benefit themselves.
It’s time to do the right thing. Reduce government spending. The general public must look at the big picture, be willing to sacrifice instead of only supporting spending cuts that don’t affect them. Eventually things will affect everyone, unfortunately in a very dramatic way if we don’t act now.
In the first seven months of Fiscal Year 2024, spending on debt interest has reached $514 billion, surpassing spending on both national defense and Medicare.
Most politicians will say that you can’t touch Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid and National Defense is imperative to defending our country. Relying on a projected increase in future productivity and growth to solve the debt issue is a fantasy (e.g., the state of Illinois). That leaves non-defense discretionary spending which is all the elected officials consider for reductions or increases — usually increases. Pun intended. That won’t cut it.
It’s time to get serious. Social Security and Medicare need revising. We’re all getting older and living longer. Something’s gotta give. And national defense should also be on the chopping block. It will hurt but it’s necessary. Our elected representatives need to have the courage to make these difficult decisions.
If it is explained simply and honestly, I believe the American people will understand and support the cuts.
Jerry Phillips