
Archdiocese rejects reprieve for St. Thomas of Villanova school in Palatine

The Archdiocese of Chicago denied an 11th-hour appeal to save St. Thomas of Villanova school in Palatine.

Last week, attendees at an open forum held at the parish church urged the pastor, the Rev. Kris Janczak, to ask the archdiocese’s office of Catholic schools if a fundraising effort could stave off the school’s June closing.

In a response letter to the St. Thomas of Villanova community, Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools Superintendent Greg Richmond expressed appreciation for the community’s enthusiasm toward finding ways to address the school’s ongoing financial challenges. But he said while fundraising can provide a short-term solution, sustainable growth and stability in education ultimately depend on enrollment.

He noted the school, which is attended by 145 students, has declined by more than 60 students in the past two years.

“As a school’s enrollment decreases, it becomes increasingly challenging to rebuild, as families often seek assurances of long-term stability when choosing a school for their children,” he wrote.

Fundraising efforts, he added, can add instability that further drives down enrollment.

School board member Sean Kopeny said community members think fundraising could have succeeded if the community had been brought into the process before the parish finance committee made its decision.

He said the school’s enrollment had been making a comeback before the decision to close was made. He said 15 children signed up for the dual language Polish kindergarten slated to start next year and 12 for a summer preschool program.

“We still think that any members of the Finance Committee that were behind the decision should step down, and probably the pastor, too,” Kopeny said, adding there should also be an independent audit.

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