
Norwegian National League offers scholarships

The Norwegian National League of Chicago is offering scholarships and cash prizes to deserving students who are of Norwegian heritage residing in the counties of Cook, Lake, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, LaSalle, McHenry and Will.

The first scholarship for $1,000 will be awarded to a high school senior with a minimum 3.0 grade-point average and who has been accepted by a college or university.

A new $1,500.00 Haug Family Scholarship will be awarded to a current 12th-grade student with a minimum 3.0 GPA with intent on a business degree or a current university student majoring in business. Finally, a $25 cash prize will be awarded to a student in first through fourth grade.

To qualify, older students must submit an original essay on the topic “Your Family’s Norwegian Heritage” and the students in grade first through fourth must submit an original drawing depicting a Norwegian topic.

Entries must be postmarked by March 1, 2025.

For scholarship information and applications visit the Norwegian National League website at or contact Kathy Secora at

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