Glenbard West Theatre presents Orwell’s satire ‘Animal Farm’ Jan. 30 through Feb. 1
Glenbard West Theatre will present its winter drama, “Animal Farm,” from Jan. 30 through Feb. 1. The production is based on the book by George Orwell and adapted by Ian Wooldridge.
When the animals on a farm drive their master out and take over to run the farm for themselves, all seems well … until they soon realize someone has to take the deposed farmer’s place.
The pigs step up, promising to lead with compassion that the farmer never had — a promise soon proven empty. George Orwell’s satire on society reveals how power can be corrupting. Although claiming equality, Napoleon (a pig) shares, “some animals are more equal than others.”
“Animal Farm” will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Thursday to Saturday, Jan. 30 to Feb. 1, in the Larry Shue Auditorium at Glenbard West High School, 670 Crescent Blvd. in Glen Ellyn. Tickets are $10. Purchase tickets via
The cast features Daniel Smith, Daniel Cernich, Maggie Sampson, Addie Williams, Paige Brondyke, Gio Scarpelli, Sophia Savarese, Bella DiCosola, Grace Cernich, Alex Sorensen, Rohail Khan, Elsa Magnesen, Stella Garland, Cole Lisook, Irie Condon, Evelyn Abeln, Ian Rondeau, Maggie Prisco, Grant DeKuiper, Julia Morgan, Siena Flosi, Chloe Kim, Allison Kwiatowski, Chase Qualio and Oakley Wigle.
The technical crew includes Allison Penley, Angelo Guerrero, Parks Lamkey, Kristin Vogel, Laney Johnson, Avery Elliot, Alena Plassman, Sophia Kennedy, Jomyra Maas, Sophia Sorensen, Isla McClure, Josie Ehrhart, Annalise Ricci, Channing Smith, Liam Allen and Ash Callanta.
The business crew includes Griffith Albrecht, Sam Kroening, Erin Locke, Angela Jaeger, Ty Gambrel, Maggie Crum, Grace Jewell, Aiza Nouman, Zoha Syed, Noah Brooks, Hannah Roberts, Evelyn Stott, Sebastian Reynaga, Wesley Zagortz and Elijah Zimmerman.
Student leaders are student director Lindsay Seifert, stage manager Owen Rees, student technical directors Finn Saldeen and Spencer Watson, and student business director Suditi Vinay.
The director is Jacob Kelleher with technical co-directors Bill Schumacher and Rob Matz, assistant technical director Karen Winter, business director Michael Fox, and costume designer Susan Hajny.