
Kane County voters: Here’s what you need to know about spring elections

Kane County Clerk John A. Cunningham recently discussed the schedule of upcoming elections in Kane County, including the Feb. 25 Consolidated Primary Election and the April 1 Consolidated Election.

Clerk Cunningham said, “I want to make sure that voters are aware of the two upcoming elections. The Consolidated Primary Election on Feb. 25 is limited to the voters in the City of Aurora and Aurora Township. The only contests on the ballot on Feb. 25 are the mayor of Aurora and the Democratic primary election for three township offices. Only voters in the city of Aurora and Democratic primary voters who live in Aurora Township are eligible to participate in the Feb. 25 election. However, the April 1 Consolidated Election is like a regular general election where all Kane County voters will be able to vote.”

The only contests on the Feb. 25 Consolidated Primary ballot are mayor (nonpartisan) in the city of Aurora and the highway commissioner, clerk, and township trustee (Democratic Primary) in Aurora Township. As a result, only registered voters in the city of Aurora and Democratic Primary voters who live in Aurora Township are eligible to participate in the Feb. 25 election.

Early Voting for this election begins Jan. 16 at the County Clerk’s Office locations in Aurora and Geneva.

A list of all Early Voting dates and times is available at

As with the 2024 elections, voters can vote at any polling location on Election Day. A list of voting locations for the Feb. 25 election for Aurora and Aurora Township is available at

Voters can apply for a Vote by Mail ballot at

Ballots will be mailed, beginning Jan. 16, to those who have applied for Permanent Vote By Mail status or have applied for a one-time ballot.

All registered voters in Kane County are eligible to participate in the April 1 Consolidated Election.

In this election, voters will elect candidates for mayor/village president; city council/village board; township supervisor, clerk, assessor, highway commissioner and trustee; school board member; library board member; park district member; community college board member; and fire district board member.

The winners of the four contests in the Feb. 25 Consolidated Primary will be placed on the April 1 ballot.

Early Voting for the April 1 Consolidated Election will begin March 7. A list of Early Voting sites will be available on the clerk’s website after the Feb. 25 election.

Voters can apply now for a Vote By Mail ballot for the April 1 election at

The clerk’s office continues to strive to be the most transparent election authority in Illinois. Clerk Cunningham has developed innovative ways to serve the public, including expanding early voting, establishing a call center to resolve Election Day issues, developing a Voter Outreach Program to increase voter registration and early voting, and improving technology.

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