
Staying warm and safe at home

According to weather forecasters, Chicagoans may not be in for a lot of snow this winter, but lower than normal temperatures are expected to dominate during January. To protect against the bitter cold, North Shore Gas of Waukegan offers this list of ways to prepare your home and stay warm.

Heating the home

  • Keep your home cozy by sealing gaps around windows and doors, and manage your costs by changing furnace filters and adjusting the thermostat at night or whenever you’re not at home.
  • Open curtains or blinds during the day to allow the sun to naturally warm the home and shut them at night to retain heat and limit drafts.

Safe product use

  • When using a space heater, ensure it is placed at least 6 feet from flammable items like drapes or blankets and the heater is plugged directly into the wall rather than into an extension cord or power strip. Heaters must be placed on level surfaces and kept away from children and pets. Use newer models with helpful features such as automatic shut-off.
  • Shut off electric blankets when they are not in use and keep pets away from them as their teeth and claws can puncture the wire insulation, causing damage.
  • Protect yourself from carbon monoxide dangers by having working monoxide detectors and familiarizing yourself with carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms.

Further energy assistance

  • North Shore Gas and other Illinois utility companies offer resources for customers, including budget billing, payment plans and heating assistance. Contact your provider for the help you need.
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