U-46 plans open house sessions for boundary plan feedback
The Unite U-46 plan is moving forward with community open house sessions where you can drop in to learn about the boundary recommendations, ask questions, and share your feedback.
With new and updated buildings preparing to open, the final step is adjusting attendance boundaries to ensure optimal student placement and support for all learners.
Elgin Area School District U-46 is organized into five networks, each composed of the elementary and middle schools that feed into one of the five high schools.
Each session focuses on a specific network, highlighting the schools within that group and their preliminary attendance boundary recommendations. However, the community is welcome to attend any session that works best for your schedule. Spanish interpreters will be available at each session.
The sessions for the Elgin Network and Bartlett Network were held in December. Videos of the Elgin and Bartlett Network Preliminary Boundary Recommendations are available via www.u-46.org/Page/20493.
The Larkin Network session will be 9 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 11, in the Larkin High School commons, 1475 Larkin Ave. in Elgin.
The South Elgin Network session will be 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, in the South Elgin High School auditorium atrium, 760 E. Main St.
The Streamwood Network session will be 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, in the Streamwood High School commons, 701 W. Schaumburg Road.
Registration is not required, but an RSVP will be helpful for planning. The specific sessions will not be recorded, but there will be an overall video available on the U-46 website. Register to join in person or to receive a link to the video directly via www.u-46.org/uniteu46.