
Villa Park police warn people to stay away from North Avenue

In the wake of a high-speed collision and a takeover in the area, Villa Park police warned people Sunday to stay away from North Avenue between Villa Avenue and Addison Road.

A collision and serious accident took place Friday evening in the area, police said on Facebook.

Then on Saturday, police said, there was a takeover of North Avenue and Villa Avenue, as well as private business lots, with vehicles operating in an unsafe manner. Police said a crowd formed to block police from making an arrest.

In addition, police said, there was also an unsubstantiated claim that a few people were displaying weapons, police said.

“The police departments in the area will not be allowing any vehicles to park in other business lots or on residential streets,” the post said. It warned there would be citations and parked vehicles would be towed.

It also warned drivers who flee from a lawful traffic stop can face a $900 fine, adding police are prepared to spike the tires of any vehicle that attempts to flee.

“As a police department, we will do all we can to keep the public safe but with such large crowds and a few bad actors it will be a challenge. We do not feel it is a safe environment for passersby, pedestrians, and youths being dropped off in the area. We would ask you proceed with caution in the area, or even avoid the area (as) much as possible this evening (Sunday),” the post read.

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