After voters rejected request for $57.5 million, District 302 board now asking for $140 million
The Kaneland school board decided Monday it was too timid in 2023 when voters rejected a request to borrow $57.5 million for renovation and construction.
Next April, it is asking for much more — $140.7 million.
“It (the lower request) backfired on us,” board member Aaron Lawler said during a discussion before the 7-0 vote to place a referendum on the April 1 ballot.
“It wasn’t always about the money,” Lawler said of what he heard from people after the 2023 defeat.
Some were unhappy that the 2023 plan focused mostly on Kaneland High School and not so much on projects at the elementary and high schools, Lawler said.
“Folks want to see huge improvements, not Band-Aids,” he said.
The board discussed a three-scope plan at a meeting on Dec. 9.
Scope 1 would have an estimated cost of $48.7 million and include mostly roof, plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and carpeting work throughout the district.
Scope 2 would do all the work outlined in Scope 1. It also would add in playground renovations, drainage and parking work, constructing new maintenance and transportation buildings, and expanding the stadium at Kaneland High, bringing the bill to about $79.5 million.
Scope 3, which the school board approved, calls for all the work outlined in the other two plans. It also would convert the west gymnasium at the high school into an academic space and add a field house to the building.
The total price tag for Scope 3 would be $140.27 million.
Board member Edmund Koch was reluctant Monday, saying he preferred asking for approval of only the Scope 1 plan.
“I have suspicions that the electorate will not bite at it (the $140 million request),” he said.
The district is scheduled to finish paying off about $62 million in principal and interest by 2029 on money it borrowed for other projects from 2004 to 2002. That includes the money used to expand the high school in 2007 and build Kaneland Harter Middle School in 2009.
The 140-square-mile school district had 3,881 students attending its seven schools during the 2023-24 school year.
Students come from towns and unincorporated areas in Kane and DeKalb counties, including Aurora, Cortland, Elburn, Kaneville, Maple Park, Montgomery, North Aurora, and Virgil.