
United Methodist men gather in Batavia to celebrate Advent, reflect on faith

Local United Methodist men celebrated the Advent season on Saturday, Dec. 7.

The event by Prairie Central District United Methodist Men featured an annual breakfast and worship at Batavia United Methodist Church. Attendees represented Batavia, Aurora, Oswego and other northern Illinois UMC congregations.

The Rev. Melissa Meyers, senior pastor at Batavia UMC, preached on "Aurora -- The Coming of the Son: Comfort."

The Rev. Melissa Meyers, senior pastor at Batavia United Methodist Church, preaches on "Aurora --The Coming of the Son: Comfort" on Saturday, Dec. 7. She was guest speaker at an annual Advent breakfast and worship. Courtesy of Al Benson

Other speakers were Craig McGregor of Good Shepherd UMC, Oswego, Northern Illinois Conference United Methodist Men president; John Maxson, president, Prairie District UMM; and Herb John, Aurora Wesley UMC, who opened the breakfast with an invocation.

Worship featured an Advent candle lighting, scripture lesson and a duet by Dave Abernathy and Chet Zabka of Batavia UMC.

United Methodist Men is a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily his will. The group's purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in their relationships.

Goals of the group include encouraging knowledge of and support for the mission of the United Methodist Church, to engage in evangelism by sharing the gospel in its personal and social dimensions, and to clarify and speak to the identity and role of men in contemporary society.

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