
Naperville self-storage facility aims to expand with 5 new buildings

A self-storage business is looking to expand its Naperville operations to meet increased demand.

Plans call for adding five new, one-story buildings to the Extra Space Storage complex on Ogden Avenue near Raymond Drive. The buildings would contain a total of 169 self-storage units.

Naperville’s planning and zoning commission last week cast an 8-0 advisory vote in support of the proposed project. The zoning request is expected to go before the city council in January.

Extra Space Management Inc., on behalf of the owner, Extra Space Properties Two, LLC, is seeking approval of a major change to the planned unit development, associated deviations and a conditional use to allow for the construction of the five self-storage buildings on a vacant site west of the current facility at 1432 W. Ogden Ave. A Walgreens store is across Ogden to the north.

Brendan Penny, an attorney for a firm representing Extra Space, said a “core motivator” for the proposed project is the demand and “the use that this site experiences within the city of Naperville and how it services the surrounding municipalities.”

According to a presentation to planning and zoning commissioners, the existing Extra Space self-storage facility boasts an average occupancy of 97%.

The public would be able to access the buildings from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days per week.

A manager will be present on-site from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Saturdays, Penny wrote in a letter to a city of Naperville project manager.

Other security measures include video surveillance, individually alarmed units, monitored security access and electronic gate access.

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