
Temporary warming center opens in Aurora

As overnight temperatures drop beneath 20 degrees, the city of Aurora will be opening its Temporary Overnight Warming Center at Wesley United Methodist Church, located at 14 N. May St. The entrance is located through the courtyard that faces New York Street, with the door being seen under the ramp.

The center will be open from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. on: Friday, Nov. 29 to Saturday, Nov. 30; Saturday, Nov. 30 to Sunday, Dec. 1; and Sunday, Dec. 1 to Monday, Dec. 2.

Each evening, a cot, snacks, and water will be provided to those staying in the shelter. Security will also be on-site at all times.

The city's Temporary Overnight Warming Center is activated based on temperature thresholds.

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