
Riverwalk 2031 Fund launches website ahead of fundraising campaign

As Naperville looks ahead to her 200th anniversary of incorporation, a group of community leaders has formed the Riverwalk 2031 Fund, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to raising private funds to support an array of plans for improving and enhancing the Riverwalk originally built to commemorate the city’s 150th in 1981.

In anticipation of community fundraising beginning in 2025, the group has launched a website,, to describe the history and future of the nationally recognized linear park which runs along the DuPage River through downtown Naperville.

The website details the original vision and building of the Riverwalk, as well as the vision for 2031: to maintain and improve river ecology and habitat; complete connectivity gaps within the Riverwalk; expand capacity; increase safety, accessibility, hospitality; enhance appearance while maintaining signature characteristics and engage the next generation of Riverwalk advocates and donors.

“The award-winning Naperville Riverwalk is the crown jewel of our community, attracting thousands of visitors every year, serving as an economic catalyst for the downtown, and providing nearly two miles of distinctive open space, ecologically balanced natural habitats, and peaceful beauty to enjoy throughout the year,” said Fund Chair John Joseph. “Our intent is to engage broad community support to make these plans reality in time for the bicentennial celebration, honoring the spirit of the Riverwalk from it’s very beginning.”

The website includes an explanation of the process the commission undertook to develop the plans, as well as descriptions and preliminary sketches of several projects already planned and others that are conceptualized to date.

Some institutional and government funding has already been secured for larger projects including the Eagle Street Gateway and a new extension for a South Gateway opposite Edward Hospital on Washington Street.

Private and community donations are sought to fund several additional projects and enhancements from West Jefferson Street to Martin Avenue. A number of naming rights opportunities have been identified.

Committee member Rick Hitchcock, who took part in the building of the original Riverwalk, said “This project, which captured the imagination and participation of the entire community in 1981, is still available to new generations of citizens. We are working to make sure the Riverwalk continues deliver the high quality experiences and benefits we all have enjoyed for the past 50 years.”

A news archive on the website and a dynamic Facebook page linked to the website will provide plan insights as well as updates on projects and funding through 2031. For information visit

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