
Elgin Golden K Kiwanis learn about ‘History of World War I for Veterans’

On Nov. 6, Jerry Turnquist presented a Veterans Day message about World War I to the Elgin Golden K Kiwanis Club. He honored the memory of his father, Oscar F. Turnquist, who fought in the war.

He presented a pictorial history of Elgin during World War I, after which the nation created Armistice Day (later to Veterans Day). His vignette included the day World War I was declared but there was no established radio system to announce it, so Elgin’s mayor, Frank Hunt Bosworth, rode through the city streets on his horse, shouting “The Enemy is coming!” He also presented photos of the veterans memorials in Elgin Township, included lists of 50 war dead (including one woman) at Gail Borden Public Library and a remarkable statue at Davidson Memorial Park representing the “Doughboy” soldiers who suffered in the trenches in France.

On Nov. 13, Eric Solberg of the ECC Foundation will be joined by Lesly Rodriquez, Golden K Scholarship recipient.

On Nov. 20, Kane County Forest Preserve District’s director of community engagement Laurie Metanchuk and executive director Benjamin Haberthur will talk about new and existing forest preserves;

On Dec. 4, Elgin Police Chief Ana Lalley will speak.

Everyone is welcome to visit to hear these presentations. Join them for a free half doughnut and coffee.

Elgin Golden K weekly meetings are at 9 a.m. Wednesdays in Lind Hall of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 357 Division St. in downtown Elgin.

For an up-to-date list of past speakers, go to or

For general information on the Golden K Kiwanis, or to join, email

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