New schools, libraries, open space: Here’s what’s on the ballot in Kane County and the Fox Valley
Fox Valley voters are being asked this fall to decide on referendums that, if approved, would fund school construction, new libraries, park district upgrades and the preservation of open space.
Here’s a look at some of the referendums on the Nov. 5 ballot:
Central School District 301
Central School District 301 is asking voters permission to borrow $224.6 million to build a new high school in Burlington, along with athletic facilities including a stadium, a field house and additional fields.
The measure, if approved, also would fund another elementary school on the more populous east side of the district, convert the current high school into a middle school, and the current middle school into an early childhood center.
If voters back the measure, the owner of a home valued at $407,000 — the median home value in District 301 — would see their taxes increase about $116 a year, according to the district.
Voters in April 2023 and again in March rejected referendums seeking $195 million in borrowing.
Kane County Forest Preserve
County voters are being asked to increase the property tax rate 64% for Kane County Forest Preserve District operations and land purchases.
The rate would go from 45 cents per $100 of equalized assessed valuation to as much as 74 cents, if voters back the measure.
District officials say they will use the money to buy up to 125 acres of land a year, as well as for projects that could include adding a wildlife observatory at a forest preserve, expanding its bison project and adding an urban ecology field station in Aurora.
Hampshire, Pingree Grove libraries
The Ella Johnson Memorial Public Library District is asking for $30 million to build two new libraries, one in Pingree Grove and one in Hampshire.
The proposal calls for twin, 20,000-square-foot libraries — one near the Pingree Grove municipal center on Reinking Road and the other as part of a new municipal campus along State Street in Hampshire.
The typical homeowner in the district pays roughly $120 per year in library taxes. If voters approve the measure, that homeowner would pay about $240 per year.
Huntley Park District
The Huntley Park District is asking voters to approve an $18 million bond issue to pay for renovations and new amenities, as well as additional land.
Among the planned projects, if voters pass the measure, are updated playgrounds and new equipment including a splash pad at Stingray Bay Aquatic Center.
If approved, the owner of a home valued at about $300,000 would see their taxes paid to the district increase roughly $71 yearly, officials say.
Hampshire Park District
The Hampshire Park District is seeking voter permission to borrow $13 million to build a community recreation center.
The money would also be used to refund existing bonds that were sold to buy the land where the center would be located.
In April 2023 voters rejected an increase in property taxes to buy the land and build a community center.
Barrington District 220
Barrington Area Unit District 220 is seeking a $64 million tax hike that would help build a new high school auditorium, fund security improvements across the district and enhance the science, math and arts curriculum.
If voters approve the plan, the owners of a $500,000 home would see an increase of about $235 a year on the district’s portion of property tax bills, officials said.
More information is available at
Cary District 26
Cary School District 26, which spans McHenry and Lake counties, is asking voter permission to issue $20 million in school building bonds to fund various improvements.
Proposed work includes installing safety and security improvements at all facilities, replacing roofs and boilers, improving technology infrastructure and renovating instructional spaces.
Officials say that even with voter approval, tax bills will drop about $58 for a home valued at $225,000 or $136 for a home valued at $500,000, because current debt will be retired. Visit for more information.