
Aurora pop-up food pantry returns Nov. 3

A pop-up drive-through food pantry will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3, at Temple B'nai Israel, 400 N. Edgelawn Drive in Aurora. The event is a joint effort of Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry and Westminster, Temple B'nai and Advent Christian Church of Aurora congregations. Donations by Temple and Aurora Advent congregants paid for food supplied by the Interfaith Pantry.

Clients should enter at Westminster Presbyterian's lot and proceed to the Temple B’nai Isreal's lot to receive food.

Char Dillon, Aurora Advent worship leader, said “Recipients will receive a box of food that may contain milk, eggs, meat, cereal, canned goods and other food items. In addition to distributing food, volunteers will direct vehicle traffic and provide information about the participating congregations and the food pantry. All who need food are welcome.

“Katie Arko, Interfaith executive director, said food scarcity is a major concern in our neighborhood and we want to help. Eddie Galvan, pantry director of programming, is coordinating the event with the participating congregations,” Dillon said.

She explained, “We care about people and want them to know God loves them and they are not alone. Leaders of both the Temple and New Hope consider this event to be a wonderful way to demonstrate our faith in action intentions.

“This means we become the hands and feet of God on earth for the good of others in this event and any other outreach programs we have. We are delighted to have this as an interfaith endeavor in which both congregations participate and demonstrate the love of God to our community in a tangible way.”

For more information, visit

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