
All three Itasca District 10 schools earn exemplary rating

Itasca School District 10 is celebrating that all three District 10 schools (Benson, Franzen and Peacock) have earned an “Exemplary” rating, the Illinois State Board of Education’s Top School Designation.

Benson Primary School: Exemplary

Franzen Intermediate School: Exemplary

Peacock Middle School: Exemplary

An “Exemplary” rating is awarded only to schools that perform in the top 10% of all schools statewide, with no underperforming student groups.

Locally, only 22% of DuPage County elementary and middle schools earned an Exemplary rating.

At the state-level it is exceptionally rare for a school district to earn this rating for every school.

Background and growth data

The Illinois Report Card also includes the 2024 Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) scores. The IAR is an assessment that all Illinois students in grades 3-8 take each spring.

District 10 has worked collaboratively with students, staff and parents to foster a positive approach to this important exam. District 10 is pleased to share that its IAR results displayed:

A 22% growth for students at or above grade-level for English Language Arts (ELA),

A 13% growth for Math

And 20% growth for Science

Visit Illinois Report Card and type in “Itasca SD 10” to view the complete Illinois Report Card for each District 10 school.

Superintendent Craig Benes states: “We are very proud of our students and staff. Teachers have demonstrated an incredible commitment to professional development and learning, which inspires our students to learn. We are also grateful to the support of our board of education, our parents, and community partners. In learning and working positively together we set the best culture for our students to learn and grow.”

Deputy Superintendent Dr. Heidi Weeks states: “Our District 10 schools’ Exemplary designations are a testament to the dedication of our students, teachers, administrators, and community partners. We are incredibly proud of our students’ academic growth and the collaborative effort that has fostered a positive learning environment where every child can succeed.

Student growth reflects our teachers’ strong commitment to learning and collaboration. Thanks to the support of the Itasca Board of Education, professional development provides our educators with new insights and strategies that empower students to reach their full potential.

Due to the effective leadership of our teacher leaders and building administrators, professional development has led to significant growth for students and a strong support and learning environment for our educators.”

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