
State’s largest bar associations release judicial recommendations

The Illinois State Bar Association and the Chicago Bar Association recently released recommendations for judicial candidates running in the Nov. 5 general election.

Both organizations found Illinois Supreme Court Justice Joy Virginia Cunningham, who’s running unopposed in the first district, highly qualified.

Both also found the following Illinois Appellate Court candidates highly qualified: Mary Lane Mikva, Cynthia Y. Cobbs, Celia Louise Gamrath and Carl Anthony Walker.

For Cook County circuit court candidates running county-wide, the CBA and ISBA found Pablo F. deCastro, Corrine C. Heggie, Sarah Johnson, Deidre M. Dyer, Neil Cohen, Edward Joseph Underhill, Debjani “Deb” Desai, Jennifer Patricia Callahan, James S. Murphy-Aguilu and Chloe Georgianna Pederson qualified.

The CBA deemed Tien H. Glaube and Arlene Y. Coleman-Romeo not recommended, however the ISBA listed Coleman-Romeo as qualified.

For the 11th Subcircuit, which includes parts of Elk Grove, Maine, Norwood Park, Leyden, Proviso and Oak Park townships, along with some Chicago neighborhoods, the CBA and ISBA found Dawn Gonzalez and Audrey Victoria Cosgrove qualified.

In the 12th Subcircuit, which includes parts of Wheeling, Northfield, New Trier, Elk Grove and Maine townships, the CBA found Alon Stein, Frank J. Andreou, Pamela Curran Smith and James “Jack” Costello qualified. Maria McCarthy was found highly qualified by the CBA.

Matthew Taylor was not recommended by the CBA.

In the same subcircuit, the ISBA found Stein, McCarthy, Curran Smith, Costello and Taylor qualified. The ISBA found Andreou highly qualified.

For the 13th Subcircuit, which includes parts of Schaumburg, Palatine, Barrington and Hanover townships, the CBA found Ralph Meczyk and Mary Sevandal Cohen qualified. The ISBA found Meczyk highly qualified and Sevandal Cohen qualified.

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