
Nicolle Grasse: 2024 candidate for Illinois House District 53


Party: Democrat

Office Sought: Illinois House District 53

City: Arlington Heights

Age: 55

Occupation: Hospice chaplain

Previous offices held: Appointed to fill the vacant Illinois House District 53 seat in June 2024; Village of Arlington Heights Trustee since May 2021

How should the state respond to the influx of migrants bussed here from Southern states?

Immigration is critical to making our country great. Immigration helps us maintain a strong and creative economy. Immigrants are valuable, contributing members of our communities. Economists recognize that immigration helped us avoid a recession following the pandemic.

Rural towns in Illinois have been revitalized thanks to our new immigrants. They are growing our population and have brought their diverse talents, innovation and expertise throughout our history.

I believe the federal government has a responsibility to assure immigration is not a chaotic process, and that includes providing more border security agents and immigration judges to assist with the backlog of cases along with providing needed funds for settling newcomers into our state.

I applaud our state’s efforts to welcome and integrate new immigrants into our communities. And, I recognize that actions such as providing driver’s licenses and accessible health care ensures the health and safety of all citizens.

Are you satisfied with the state's existing ethics policies for senators and representatives? If so, what about the policies should reassure Illinoisans that elected leaders abide by high standards? If not, what changes need to be made?

Ethics policies in our state can always be improved and enforcement can always be strengthened and I welcome that. While the recent ethics bill that was passed made significant positive changes, one critical shortcoming was not extending the period for legislators to become lobbyists to a full year or maybe even two years following their leaving office.

Enforcement can be strengthened by increasing the funding and staffing of the Legislative Inspector General and requiring that all Inspector General reports be made public at the time they are shared with the legislature.

Transparency and trustworthiness are foundations for public servants and I believe it is imperative elected leaders continue to do the right thing for our state and people, while in office and even after leaving office.

Would you support a requirement that election petitions include a line asking candidates for their campaign email address?

Assuming this would be for all elected positions, I would not support this proposal at this time.

First, many campaigns do not even have campaign email addresses set up at the beginning of the petition cycle or they may change.

Secondly, the fact that one starts a petition campaign does not mean they will file the petitions.

And finally, having public knowledge of an email address this early in the campaign can result in others attempting to intimidate prospective candidates into withdrawing from the election. However, I would support such a requirement once petitions have been filed.

How well do you think criminal justice reforms made in recent years are working? What, if any, changes need to be made?

First, it is important for me to make mention that over the past 2 years, crime has decreased in our state and the nation. In Illinois, it is not yet possible to determine whether this is because the criminal justice reforms are working or as part of the general trend following the spike that happened during the pandemic.

That being said, most research I have read shows the criminal justice reforms, and in particular, cashless bail, have worked effectively. Those released on bail have a low incidence of repeat offense while awaiting trial and the percent of people failing to show for trial has not increased.

In the meantime, jobs and families have been saved, and the specifics of the charges, criminal history and life story are factors rather than incarceration being based on having or not having money to pay for bail. One area which does need strengthening, however, is support for providing mental health workers responding to calls due to people in crises.

We now have an assault weapons ban in Illinois. What if any changes should be made to the law? What more can be done to improve gun safety?

I believe in doing everything possible to reduce gun violence through common sense gun legislation. I support an assault weapons ban. My daughter was involved in a mass shooting, which only increased my commitment to this issue and desire to work for reform so no more people ever have to experience this kind of trauma.

I support Karina’s Bill removing weapons from homes of those accused of domestic violence and where there is a restraining order in place. The gun show loophole should be closed. And more effort should be made to reduce the importation of guns across state lines.

Illinois is the only state in the nation that mandates regular behind-the-wheel tests for senior drivers. Do you support any changes?

I fully support changes that cause undue burdens on our senior drivers while ensuring safety on our road is maintained.

What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective legislator?

Since grade school, I’ve wanted to help make the world a better place for all. As an ordained minister and hospice chaplain for over 30 years, I have devoted my life to public service, supporting people in finding solutions to what matters most to them.

I started hospice work during the AIDS crisis and I was a front-line healthcare worker during the pandemic. In my public service roles I support people from all life experiences, cultures, religions, and economic levels. I bring a human service skill set of hard work, collaboration, and integrity to be a strong voice for the concerns and needs of all in the district.

I bring a wealth of skills and experience responding to human needs and finding solutions together to best support us now and for our future generations.

I am ready and excited to continue serving the 53rd District, building on a lifetime of public service that has taught me to be an informed advocate and compassionate voice for people, businesses, and institutions.

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