
Bob Morgan: 2024 candidate for Illinois House District 58


Party: Democrat

Office Sought: Illinois House District 58

City: Deerfield

Age: 44

Occupation: State Representative/Attorney

Previous offices held: State Representative since 2019

How should the state respond to the influx of migrants bussed here from Southern states?

Illinois has taken a difficult, but compassionate approach to this unprecedented issue. First, it’s important to understand that MAGA Republican elected officials across the country purposefully sow chaos to make this harder for states like Illinois to address.

We’ve stabilizes the situation and provided immediate care such as shelter, medical necessities, and food, while being mindful of the state’s other financial obligations. What we need now is long term planning and support from our federal partners so that individuals can be allowed to work while their cases are sorted out.

That includes work permits, additional spending on immigration courts, and a change to our national laws to manage this flow better. The most comprehensive piece of immigration legislation ever proposed by the U.S. Congress was blocked by Donald Trump for political reasons. I, unfortunately, fear solutions won’t be attempted again in earnest until after the November election.

Are you satisfied with the state's existing ethics policies for senators and representatives? If so, what about the policies should reassure Illinoisans that elected leaders abide by high standards? If not, what changes need to be made?

No, and I have been a leader on ethics reform including when I helped remove former Speaker Madigan from power, standing united with the “19” House Democrats who ushered the way for new leadership and a new era of reform.

I’ve supported every ethics reform Illinois has proposed during my tenure and I support further reforms such as better disclosure tools that mimic what is required at the federal level.

We also need to limit the influence of dark money in politics so that corporate spending doesn’t drown out ordinary voices in our political debates.

Would you support a requirement that election petitions include a line asking candidates for their campaign email address?

No, this is unnecessary.

How well do you think criminal justice reforms made in recent years are working? What, if any, changes need to be made?

We’ve made important progress in our criminal justice system in Illinois and the reforms are working. Cash bail was never a good way to determine whether someone should be held in jail pretrial, and too often money was the escape hatch for those who should have been detained including in domestic violence situations.

Much more work remains to train law enforcement, ensure weapons are removed from the homes of those who are a danger to themselves and others, and ensuring our sentencing structure supports rehabilitation when appropriate and incarceration for repeat offenders.

We now have an assault weapons ban in Illinois. What if any changes should be made to the law? What more can be done to improve gun safety?

I will always be proud to have led the state’s ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines. The Protect Illinois Communities Act contained lesser-known provisions as well such as extending the duration of firearm restraining orders, creating the State Police strike force against interstate gun trafficking, and expediting the timeline for universal background checks.

We have to work harder to prevent domestic violence situations involving firearms, bolster our safe firearm storage, and reduce access to illegal firearms coming in from neighbor states.

Illinois is the only state in the nation that mandates regular behind-the-wheel tests for senior drivers. Do you support any changes?

I do not support changes at this time, but will continue to evaluate this issue balancing individual freedoms with public safety concerns.

What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective legislator?

Each day as a State Representative has required me to build consensus amongst stakeholders and tackle the most difficult issues facing our community. I will always be responsive to my constituents and take their concerns to Springfield as I debate legislation amongst my colleagues.

Each new challenge requires a different approach, but I bring humility and determination to this role and will continue the cycle of learning for as long as I hold this position.

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