Endorsement: Syed for Illinois House Dist. 51
We have expressed concerns in the past about a lack of direct government experience that we thought held back Inverness Democrat Nabeela Syed when she first came to the race for Illinois House Dist. 51 in 2022, but whatever merits those worries held have been amply overcome by her performance during her first term in the seat.
Syed has been innovative and involved, championing causes as broad as controlling prescription drug prices and as local as helping Kildeer and Hawthorn Woods residents fight a water crisis. She speaks with firm authority on immigration policy, gun control and criminal justice reform. She knows what is working on these and other issues, and she has clear, well-developed ideas for fixing what is not.
She also has a studied understanding of the complex budget issues the state will face in coming years and promising ideas for addressing them.
Her challenger, Ela Township Trustee Tosi Ufodike of Lake Zurich, is well-suited for a larger role in politics, and she speaks with a combination of insight and compassion while addressing state policies.
But Syed has made remarkable progress in her first term in the House and brings the promise of even more accomplishments as she grows ever more involved in state government. She gets our endorsement.