Anne Stava-Murray: 2024 candidate for Illinois House District 81
Party: Democrat
Office Sought: Illinois House District 81
City: Naperville
Age: 38
Occupation: State Representative since 2018
Previous offices held: Commissioner on the Naperville Board of Fire and Police
How should the state respond to the influx of migrants bussed here from Southern states?
Asylum-seekers and migrants deserve to be treated humanely and with respect. The Texas governor’s efforts to sow chaos across this country by sending thousands of migrants to other states without prior warning is beyond reprehensible. Americans should be working together to make our country better, not using humans seeking refuge as political pawns.
Issues of immigration should, and must, be handled at the federal level. The state of Illinois does not have control over our national borders and federal immigration policy. While the federal government continues to be in gridlock, we at the state level need to do what is in our power to manage the influx of people.
We have worked in collaboration with municipal and county governments to find ways to get this done. We have avoided an “either-or” mindset when it comes to helping those in need, and have found ways to provide migrants what they need without sacrificing our support for historically neglected groups.
Are you satisfied with the state's existing ethics policies for senators and representatives? If so, what about the policies should reassure Illinoisans that elected leaders abide by high standards? If not, what changes need to be made?
The history of unethical behavior from Illinois politicians is unacceptable. When I first ran for state Rep. in 2018, I refused to take money from Michael Madigan. When I won, and entered office in 2019, I was the only Democrat who refused to vote for him for Speaker. I pride myself on being an ethical politician who does what is right. I sponsored a bill which created term limits for leadership positions, to make sure bad actors can never attempt to become the next Madigan.
Since Speaker Welch has taken office we have made sure there have been no extended vacancies in the office of the Legislative Inspector General and hired someone with an extensive background in the area.
I’m proud of the ethics bills we’ve passed, such as preventing people convicted of offenses like bribery and perjury from holding state office, improving lobbyist registration, and enhancing economic interest disclosure laws. I am always open to more and better ideas to increase ethics in our state.
Would you support a requirement that election petitions include a line asking candidates for their campaign email address?
How well do you think criminal justice reforms made in recent years are working? What, if any, changes need to be made?
I am fully committed to public safety, which is why I have helped pass budgets that direct millions to law enforcement, while also addressing the root causes of crime.
Despite the apocalyptic predictions, the SAFE-T Act has empowered judges to decide who would be a risk if granted bail. Recently, I heard a judge say how relieved she was that violent criminals can’t post bond and be back on the streets within hours.
While my opponent complains that efforts to make our community safer make his job harder, I’d like to think that most of our good apples in law enforcement appreciated many aspects of the SAFE-T Act — like required bodycams for all law enforcement, a universal use of force policy, and a clear process to prevent bad apples from serving in law enforcement within our state.
I know that making things better is worth any effort. I am committed to working with law enforcement, judges, and advocates to ensure that criminal justice reforms are effective.
We now have an assault weapons ban in Illinois. What if any changes should be made to the law? What more can be done to improve gun safety?
I was proud to vote in favor of the assault weapon ban, and fully support everything it does. Everyday people do not need weapons of war to keep themselves and their families safe. Our kids deserve the freedom to go to school without the fear of being the victim of mass murder. Our communities deserve the freedom to attend parades and concerts without keeping their eyes peeled for potential threats.
While I support this law, I know that more must be done to keep firearms out of the hands of bad actors. That is why I fully support Karina’s Bill, which requires law enforcement to get guns out of the hands of domestic abusers. This policy would save lives, and I look forward to getting it passed in my next term. Furthermore, I support efforts toward safer storage of guns as well.
I am happy that my support of common-sense gun reform has earned me a distinction from Moms Demand Action.
Illinois is the only state in the nation that mandates regular behind-the-wheel tests for senior drivers. Do you support any changes?
Ensuring access to transportation while keeping safety at the forefront is paramount. We need to ensure people of any age who are not fit to drive do not get behind the wheel. Anyone who is fit to drive should be allowed to do so, but I also support extra checks on our abilities in these high-risk years.
I fully support efforts to make the process of taking these tests as painless as possible, and increasing access to alternative forms of transportation for those of any age who are unable to drive. I am open to ways to improve our current systems, but with an eye toward maintaining safety.
What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective legislator?
As a mom of 3 kids, I know what Illinois families want from their government.
They want a government that is smart with their money, which is why I have worked to get our state’s fiscal house in order, which has resulted in 9 credit ratings upgrades.
They want a government that looks toward the future and funds education so we can become less reliant on property taxes, which is why I worked to expand school funding.
What they do not want is a government that tells them what they can do with their own bodies. That is why I have championed reproductive rights in Illinois as leader of the House Democrats Women’s caucus. I worked to expand access to IVF, birth control, and maternal care.
I will continue to be a strong and effective voice in Springfield and I look forward to continuing to advocate for my constituents.