
Changes to East Dundee’s 3rd Street could bring more parking

East Dundee could get more parking spaces around village hall next year.

A plan to turn 3rd Street into a one-way street for southbound traffic from Barrington Avenue to Railroad Street and to add diagonal parking spaces could be included in the village’s 2025 budget. The proposal also would convert a small parking area in front of the police department into green space and turn a dirt lot near village hall into an employee parking lot.

In all, the village would gain about 24 parking spots under the plan, which early estimates show could cost about $240,000 to $260,000.

The project would likely be spread over two years, with the changes to 3rd Street taking place in 2025 and the new employee lot constructed in 2026.

The addition of the green space in front of the police department would also likely be spread over both years, Village Administrator Erika Storlie said at a recent village board meeting. She added the green space could eventually include some public art.

“This is a very easy to implement, bang for our buck to add a significant amount of spaces in the downtown,” Storlie said.

She proposed adding the project to the 2025 budget and said the village could use money from the tax increment finance district to cover costs.

The proposed parking improvements along 3rd Street include transforming a small parking area in front of the East Dundee police station into a green space. Courtesy of East Dundee

“I think it’s totally worth it for more parking,” Trustee Sarah Brittin said at the meeting.

Village trustees will approve the 2025 budget in the coming months.

Earlier this year, work started on a $6.5 million parking deck at Hill and Jackson streets to help address a growing demand for parking in the downtown district. The parking deck will add another 130 spaces.

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