
John Booras: 2024 candidate for U.S. House 3rd District representative


Party: Republican

Office Sought: U.S. House 3rd District

City: Homer Glen

Age: 43

Occupation: Property tax attorney/director

Previous offices held: None

What must be done to achieve a consistent national policy on immigration, not just in terms of what such a policy should be but also in terms of getting a policy through the Senate?

The fact is both parties have openly spoken about allowing immigration through a vetting process. Every president for the past 20 years has had a consistent statement of policy in this regard until the Biden administration.

Yet, there has never been an explanation for opening the border and allowing tens of millions of unprocessed, illegal immigrants into the country. The burden of responsibility in this regard is not solely on the Senate, but first on the President to explain his executive actions. Only then can leadership begin to discuss a rational policy of allowing immigration through a vetted process.

Do you believe the nation's election system and those of the individual states are secure and fair? If not, what must be done to improve them?

Since it is a fact that court cases have been presented and convictions made for violations of election law and cheating in our electoral process, clearly, the answer to the question is no, our system is not secure and fair. Personally, I support the return to a single day election with full paper ballots, the elimination of electronic voting and extreme restrictions on mail in ballots.

Further, the simplest of daily activities in our society requires showing identification yet, our most important act of voting does not. I absolutely support voter ID regulations.

What responsibilities does the United States have toward achieving peace in the Middle East? Do you support a two-state solution?

I’m trying to remember exactly how many U.S. presidents have claimed success in achieving peace in the Middle East since the creation of Israel, after the second world war. The point is that the history of this region is in fact, biblical. Perhaps no other region of the world has a written history, so clearly kept back thousands of years. It may be arrogance or hubris for the United States to believe that it can insert us into this oldest recorded struggle and resolve it. I believe the nations of that region must find their own solution, and present it to the rest of the world leaders to support.

Do you think the United States is providing adequate support for Ukraine? Should the U.S. support Ukraine’s efforts to join NATO?

It is a fact that corruption is rampant in Ukraine and several officials have been caught with stacks of U.S. dollars in their cars, suitcases, and otherwise being stolen. I believe we are giving Ukraine too much support with too little oversight. Further, Ukraine’s entry into NATO is a strictly political issue and not a security one.

The fact is NATO was created some 80 years ago to keep the continent of Europe secure. In my opinion, 80 years is more than enough time for Europe to have organized themselves and obtain the ability to defend themselves. The concept of a proxy war involves using an intermediate country to fight against the larger, unbeatable foe at the behest of another large country. In my opinion, the United States is using Ukraine as a proxy for a war with Russia. I do not support wars in general and specifically not with Russia. Therefore, I do not believe we should be involved in supporting The Ukrainian/Russian, war at all.

How do you perceive the financial health of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid? To the degree you may see problems with these programs, what should be done about them?

Social Security is a forced savings plan. Money is taken from each worker throughout their employment, held, and invested by the U.S. government on their behalf.

Social Security recipients have paid into this forced savings plan their entire working life and must be repaid from these funds. The government was their fiduciary.

Medicaid is a gift, not a fiduciary savings plan. It's free to anyone, even if they never worked or aren't U.S. citizens. Both programs have ballooned, causing serious questions about their future.

Medicare has prescribed laws and regulations in place for private pension plans. Social Security benefits should be treated the same as these plans since workers had no choice but to pay into the Social Security program.

Medicaid was exacerbated under the Obama administration by regulations forcing medical insurance for everyone in the U.S. I believe the solution to issues in the Medicaid program revolve around the review and revision of the Obama policies.

How do you assess the state of the national economy? What should be done to make it stronger or more stable?

The U.S. has more debt than ever in history and growing at a rate of over $8 billion per day. The U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency may contribute up to 40% of our GDP. Many nations' goal is to strip this status given to the United States after our role in winning WW II, and have openly violated treaties of the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency by trading goods in other currencies.

The BRICS+ nations have declared they will soon offer an alternate world currency. Our national petroleum reserve has been completely depleted.

Tens of millions of illegal immigrants have been allowed into the country and placed on various social welfare programs that include free health care, education, hotel rooms, food, cellphones, and other benefits our citizens don't receive. Stabilization requires the involvement of the voting public in necessary changes to strengthen U.S. financial affairs. These changes must involve cuts in our historical spending patterns, tax system, and immigration policies.

What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective congressional representative in dealing with the issues the country will face in the next two years?

As a former police officer, I saw the damage done to our families and communities by crime. As a lawyer, I see the pain of financial burden on families and as an expert tax consultant with responsibility for three states, I see the effects of irresponsible elected officials.

As a son of working class immigrants, I say we desperately need a return to basic family values. I grew up watching my hard working parents do menial jobs, struggle socially and economically in a new culture facing the challenges of language barriers, housing insecurity, unexpected health care issues, and finding reliable child care.

I am not a politician, but I believe in good government and I have thought long and hard about a workable plan to put America’s strengths back to work for people, not politicians.

The pillars of this plan focus on the issues of taxes, jobs and families — especially for struggling single parents and are available on my website.

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