
Jerry Evans: 2024 candidate for U.S. House 11th District representative


Party: Republican

Office Sought: U.S. House 11th District

City: Warrenville

Age: 40

Occupation: Educator and small business owner

Previous offices held: N/A

What must be done to achieve a consistent national policy on immigration, not just in terms of what such a policy should be but also in terms of getting a policy through the Senate?

I believe we can have a comprehensive, compassionate, and working immigration system — that also stops illegal immigration. This is not a partisan issue, and I believe we can come together to solve it.

It starts with securing the border first, hiring more Border Patrol agents, ending “catch-and-release,” stopping human trafficking, and increasing the amount of judges adjudicating asylum claims.

We also need to institute a merit-based immigration policy that includes foreign students who are being educated by American institutions. Additionally, we need to give law enforcement the tools to track down known criminals and get them off our streets for good.

Lastly, after we have accomplished those goals, we need a compassionate policy for those who are already here, have not committed any crimes and are able to work, so that they can pay taxes and contribute to our economy and communities.

Do you believe the nation's election system and those of the individual states are secure and fair? If not, what must be done to improve them?

We must require states to update their election equipment, infrastructure and implement cybersecurity standards, as well as implement paper ballot voting nationwide. Voter ID is normal in elections worldwide, and it should be standard in the U.S., along with requiring proof of citizenship for those registering to vote.

Running elections must remain a state issue, but we need minimum standards to ensure the integrity of our elections.

What responsibilities does the United States have toward achieving peace in the Middle East? Do you support a two-state solution?

I do support a two-state solution. However, that cannot happen with a terrorist and oppressive organization in power. The U.S. needs to get tougher on Iran and its funding of terror proxies and begin to treat any attack by Iranian proxies, as an attack directly from Iran. I will have an op-ed on the issue soon.

Do you think the United States is providing adequate support for Ukraine? Should the U.S. support Ukraine’s efforts to join NATO?

I believe in Ukraine’s right to independence. However, we need to ensure that there is transparency and accountability for every dollar that we send to Ukraine. Ultimately, we need to move toward a lasting peace between Ukraine and Russia that puts an end to this war.

How do you perceive the financial health of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid? To the degree you may see problems with these programs, what should be done about them?

First, we must honor the commitments made to our seniors and those near retirement age. We need to protect Social Security for our seniors. Period. We also need to acknowledge that there is an insolvency threat to Social Security and Medicare.

To solve the problem and ensure it doesn’t collapse, we need leaders who will work with both parties to tackle this problem. With bipartisan leadership, Congress could consider a variety of measures including means testing or possibly increasing the age of eligibility for Americans currently under the age of 40.

How do you assess the state of the national economy? What should be done to make it stronger or more stable?

We can't continue with the record inflation that we’ve experienced under the Biden-Harris administration. Inflation was 1.4% when President Biden and Vice President Harris took office. Since then, prices have gone up more than 20%. We need to rein in spending and start reducing the deficit. I will work with both Democrats and Republicans to address this issue.

Additionally, we need to make sure our students are being trained for the jobs of the future, including A.I., data analytics, computer programming, machine learning and vocational training.

What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective congressional representative in dealing with the issues the country will face in the next two years?

I have been a teacher for over 20 years, and a small-business owner of a music school that I founded 10 years ago. I also own a commercial property. I know what it is like to make a payroll, create jobs, and manage a budget.

I also know what it’s like to have a mortgage and provide for a family of five. If we keep sending the same career politicians to Washington, we are going to continue getting the same results.

Congressman Foster is running for his 9th term, and while I appreciate his public service, we need new leadership to get our country back on track.

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