
Liquor at the library? Geneva set to approve license request

The next time the Geneva Public Library has a fundraiser, a cultural or educational event, alcohol could be served.

Geneva alderpersons, acting as the committee of the whole, have recommended approval of the library’s request for a liquor license so alcoholic drinks could be served during events.

The state’s Liquor Control Act of 1934 was amended in 2016 to permit the sale or service of alcohol in any building owned by a library district, City Administrator Stephanie Dawkins said.

The city council will take final action to approve the license.

The library board will be required to have a written policy governing how and when alcohol can be sold and provide proof of insurance.

The library district’s initial fee will be $700, then $500 per year for an annual renewal fee, Dawkins said.

The library’s liquor license is similar to one the council previously approved for the Geneva Park District, also for its events and fundraisers, officials said.

“Alcohol will be served only when fiction is being read,” Mayor Kevin Burns said, joking.

The vote was 8-0 with 1st Ward Alderperson Mike Bruno and 3rd Ward Alderperson Becky Hruby absent.

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